Saturday, December 26, 2009

Last post!

I have been dragging on doing post for this blog for most of the year. This spring I decided to start one for my husbands family to try and keep in touch with them since most of them are out of town. I am going to mainstream and only do that one. It is more of a keep in touch, post pictures and sometimes share thoughts blog. So if you are interested in peeking in or staying in touch please stop by! Thank you for reading my blog and in some way connecting with me. My love language is quality time so connecting with others even via a blog fills my bucket! Take care and hope to stay in touch. God bless you and yours.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Why do I not obey?

The Lord has been being very specific with me. More specific than he used to be. It made me wonder why? When my husband and I were talking I shared that detail with him and he didn't say anything specific about it. Than a week later I was at a retreat and one of the speakers said the more you know the Lord and the closer your relationship the more specific he will be with you. For being a Christian for many years it might seem strange that I didn't know that. I have known the Lords voice for many years now so I know he seeks relationship with me and speaks to me but being specific with me was news to me!

I am finding more and more that he will put something on my heart and want me to tell someone. 2 times in the last 5 days he has done that I didn't obey. I hate to admit that. The first time was a dear friend and what he put on my heart concerning her was 6 words long. It just seemed SO minor that I couldn't bring myself to take it to her. I knew I was supposed to. I felt it would be dismissed (not that she would rudely do that but now I can see that was the enemy lying to me!!!) and threw it out. A few days later I spoke to her and after something she shared I went ahead and told her. I also apologized for not tell her earlier.

Today I found myself at my Titus 2 group. During worship the Lord told me to tell the woman next to me that he knows her pain. I didn't know her. I had never spoken to her (our group is HUGE) and so I just set it aside. We sat down and worship was over. The speaker prayed shortly after and the woman being crying. I felt awful. I knew I had missed it....again. I grabbed some tissue and gave them to her and than shared with her what the Lord wanted her to know.

I am so grateful for his voice. I am so grateful for his word and spirit within me. Please Lord help me to be obedient. I am so grateful that I serve a Lord who doesn't give up on me.

Sunday, November 8, 2009


I love this picture! My dad came a few weeks ago for a visit and we spend some time out at my moms and we had to try and squeeze in some family pictures. Sam got close to his biggest brother and had to love on him! So sweet!!!


The Lord has been bringing things across my path lately that are very specific. At first I had a bit of doubt and wondered is it me or him? Than this weekend I was at a retreat and the speaker said that the more intimate relationship we have with the Lord the more specific he can be. Because it is all about relationship. Think about with those you are closest you share details with them? Of course! I was so grateful that the Lord cared enough about me and my details to find a way to tell me that he was indeed in the details.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

His Banner....

I remember growing up learning a song that talked about his banner over me is love. We had hand motions and everything. As an adult I was introduced to that song again but no hand motions (not formal anyway) and similar words but to a different tune. At the time I heard it I was falling in love with my Savior. I knew him prior but I was coming to know Him in a totally new way. His love for me was the same as it always had been but for the first time in my life I understood that love. It was heart changing therefore life changing! Lately when I found myself in a struggle the Lord reminded me once again that His banner over me is LOVE! Still life changing, so grateful!!! Yesterday I had escaped for 20 mins to Hobby lobby and as I looked around the store I saw a plaque that said that very thing on it. In our home we have been wanting to do wall words and have been praying about what to put and where. I think I know now which one is at the top of my list!!! It rings in my spirit and I want to be reminded daily of His truth and love. Thank you Lord!!!

Wednesday, October 28, 2009


I was listening to a message this morning and it was on love. There were so many incredible points in the message and many stood out to me. One that did was grace is love in action. Grace for differences, understanding, downfalls, weakness, etc. Thank you Lord for filling my life with loving people who walk this out. Lord only with you can I love people with a true love. A love without condition, hooks, selfishness and wrong motives. Please give me grace for the ones that don't love others with grace. Thank you Lord for loving me.

Monday, October 26, 2009

My parents....

I have the honor of getting to spend time with both my parents recently. My dad came for a visit and my mom and her husband so graciously asked us to come out for a visit. I will treasure the opportunity and the photo.